Designated Safeguarding Lead In Charities

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Safeguarding Today Ltd (SGT) and Safeguarding Today Online Ltd (SGTO) provide training courses based on up-to-date legislation and statutory guidance. This training is in no way to be seen as legal advice and any client seeking such advice should contact a solicitor or Direct Access Barrister.

Safeguarding Today Ltd and Safeguarding Today Online Ltd cannot be held liable for the implementation of the training within the client organisation, or the personal implementation of individual learners within their own working practices, neither can SGT or SGTO be held liable for any losses or damage sustained as a result of a lack of solid safeguarding practices within any client organisation. It is the responsibility of individuals and client organisations to implement learning and improve and maintain effective safeguarding procedures.

Throughout the modules, you may be referred to your Module Resource Pack. You will find these below. Please download, complete and upload the workbooks at the end of each module. Each workbook will be emailed to our Leadership Team for collation and review upon the completion of your course. A member of our Leadership Team will then be in touch with feedback to discuss your progress and finalise the CPD process.

Course Material

Click to open and/or download the PDF.

Safeguarding Lead Tool Kit

Should you require any assistance with your course please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

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